The General Idea

Welcome to the MalapropCast.
The purpose of this Blog is quite simple:

We are here to open up a discussion about the American Shakespeare Center's 'Almost Blasphemy' tour.

See? Simple as that.

This blog will be supplemented by/supplemental to a Podcast of the same name in which we'll try to include interviews with performers and audience members, cast performances of scenes, discussions of elements of the kind of theatre (no typo, that's how we spell the live stuff) we do. That, and I hope to include a good amount of personal posts and retrospectives on what it's like to be on tour.

Really, we're just here to play.

So come and play with us, wont you?"

Well, that was the case, at least.
I no longer work for the ASC, but i do still have the itchy fingers and pen of an amateur writer, and i like the idea of keeping this conversation going.
So i'm gonna.
I'll wax ridiculous about my life, my attempts to get work, and my over-mulled analysis of this world and city and business and, and, and...
You get the idea.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

You know, you need, you know you need...(An all day blogathon)

Where better to punctuate a touring theatre gig than with a trip to el Mondo Manzana?  Given any opportunity to do so, I will endeavor ever to find myself giddily wandering the gridwork windings of this most hospitable of Metros.
Look up and around and you are presented, bombarded, innendated and otherwise super-saturated with such stimuli as to make a synesthetic say 'dude, chill out.'
Even I, with earbuds making dull the natural soundtrack of the city and my own olphactory disability (those curious may find out more about anasmia here) cannot help but loose myself in the rumbling hustle and bustle of this great undulating press of persons such as one might have to travel the wide world to otherwise behold...that or I'm just lost.
Plans to date include: a trip to Astoria, Queens for brunch with a buddy; a return to the Bronx for company with my travel-mates, Eugene and Dola; and, I hope, another visit in midtown before I go co-habitate some Wall St. (quietly, I think: I'm more a cafe chat kind of guy than the kind that holds the gusto or gumption for such things as protests and occupations)

1 comment:

  1. Signs you are not a new yorker: being willing to go to Astoria, the Bronx, and downtown Manhattan all in one day.
