The General Idea

Welcome to the MalapropCast.
The purpose of this Blog is quite simple:

We are here to open up a discussion about the American Shakespeare Center's 'Almost Blasphemy' tour.

See? Simple as that.

This blog will be supplemented by/supplemental to a Podcast of the same name in which we'll try to include interviews with performers and audience members, cast performances of scenes, discussions of elements of the kind of theatre (no typo, that's how we spell the live stuff) we do. That, and I hope to include a good amount of personal posts and retrospectives on what it's like to be on tour.

Really, we're just here to play.

So come and play with us, wont you?"

Well, that was the case, at least.
I no longer work for the ASC, but i do still have the itchy fingers and pen of an amateur writer, and i like the idea of keeping this conversation going.
So i'm gonna.
I'll wax ridiculous about my life, my attempts to get work, and my over-mulled analysis of this world and city and business and, and, and...
You get the idea.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Somebody Help! I'm trapped in a luxury hotel!

Ok, not trapped per se.

Less productive, perhaps.


This place is a Palace.

That assessment is based on one complimentary feature and one alone.  Never mind the beautiful architecture or decorating, the gracious and professional service, nor the fancy pants 'don't come in here without a tie and a haircut, you hippy' Restaurant on the ground floor.  

No, no.

It's all about the...

Shiatsu Massage Chair.

Remember walking around the mall as a kid and seeing the Brookstone storefront with it's overflow of weird gadgets and novelty 'conveniences?'

Of course you do.

Do you also remember being told, a sprightly, fresh faced seven year old, that you had to be such and such an age to sit in the reclining (foot and leg massage-er built in) full back massage chair?

Well suck it, arbitrary-rule-enforcing Guy!  I just sat for 30 minutes in one of those AMAZING things and you can't stop me!

I feel better now, thanks for reading.

In related news, the venue is nice, the shows are great, and I'm finding it reasonably pleasant to be in Kentucky.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed The Chair (which is something entirely different in Alabama...)!
