So, i've been thinking.
Dangerous business, i know, but bear with me.
Brief exposition: I was born in California and lived my first 9 years in the greater San Diego area. Lovely, far off memories of sand and sunshine and the spicy warm smell of desert plants and salt water are about all i have to lay claim to as far as being a 'Californian.'
By year ten i was in Pennsylvania. Two moves later, i was in MD.
Two years of living in Towson, MD saw my family move to Shepherdstown, WV.
And it was Shepherdstown that stayed my home until...well, until now, really.
I have seen enough of the east coast in moving and general travels that i feel much more at home here than i do anywhere else.
And this tour is going EVERYWHERE i'm familiar with.
It seems as if every other day has me driving by somewhere i've lived, worked, or studied. Come the summer leg, i'll even be going a town over from my own college town.
Black Bear, here I come.
All of this said and done, i've started wondering if this isn't a brilliant opportunity to say goodbye to this part of the world i have called home for so long.
Of course, my family still lives in Shepherdstown and i'll always call where they are a kind of home. But something about the opportunity to exorcise some of my attachement to any of these places for the sake of embracing the rootless, restless life of the *gulp* life-style actor...it just seems coincidentally convenient, is all.
I've been bit by the traveller's bug and i want more. I want to see more of this big old world than this small corner of a small nation. Let's see where i can end up on an actor's salary, but at least i'm dreaming big.
Suggestions on how i might say goodbye to my places would be welcome.
Craft projects? A blog post of stories for each place? With audience appropriate editing, of course.
If you're out there, readership, let me know what you think.
Your Malaprop