The General Idea

Welcome to the MalapropCast.
The purpose of this Blog is quite simple:

We are here to open up a discussion about the American Shakespeare Center's 'Almost Blasphemy' tour.

See? Simple as that.

This blog will be supplemented by/supplemental to a Podcast of the same name in which we'll try to include interviews with performers and audience members, cast performances of scenes, discussions of elements of the kind of theatre (no typo, that's how we spell the live stuff) we do. That, and I hope to include a good amount of personal posts and retrospectives on what it's like to be on tour.

Really, we're just here to play.

So come and play with us, wont you?"

Well, that was the case, at least.
I no longer work for the ASC, but i do still have the itchy fingers and pen of an amateur writer, and i like the idea of keeping this conversation going.
So i'm gonna.
I'll wax ridiculous about my life, my attempts to get work, and my over-mulled analysis of this world and city and business and, and, and...
You get the idea.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Decorum on the Internet? Not by a Longshot.

So, I have forgotten myself.

I am not just a dude with a job, i am a representative of a company that has given me a job i Love.

And i have done ill by that company.

And I am sorry for that.

In my past couple posts i have taken the breadth of my conversation  into the unsavory world of disparaging the facilities made available to us and taking my impotent actor-brat rage at not being as well received as i would have liked by our audiences out on the internet.

This is unbecoming a professional, and i really want to be one of those.
This is also just a general a dick move, and i definitely don't want to be one of those.

i have removed one post from the feed of my blog altogether and edited the other; i'll keep untouched copies for my own records (and as a reminder of where our heads can go when we're over-caffinated and feeling sassy) and i will endeavor from here out to do better by my employer, and you my wonderful, gracious, loving reader-type-peoples by not, as i said, being a dick.

Again, i am sorry if i have offended anyone
 (except the grammar gurus and spelling snobs; if you folks want to make things better, then get involved in your local school board and make sure dummies like me don't make it this far without a solid appreciation for what the hell a participle is)
and I am confident that my silly little stories could not, and will not, belittle the reputation of such an extraordinary institution as the American Shakespeare Center.
We all know that actors with blogs will come and go, but our love for these classical works and the companies that can share with us these works in such an extraordinary way...that is a love that will well survive the petty yammerings of some guy yelling ineffectively into the great, cacophonous conversation that is the internet.
Probably survive the guy himself.

That's right folks, apologies for professional misconduct and contemplations of mortality are but a sampling of all you can find here at the Malapropcast!

Stick with me, folks, we're going to Austin next, and i hear they've got hippies there...

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