The General Idea

Welcome to the MalapropCast.
The purpose of this Blog is quite simple:

We are here to open up a discussion about the American Shakespeare Center's 'Almost Blasphemy' tour.

See? Simple as that.

This blog will be supplemented by/supplemental to a Podcast of the same name in which we'll try to include interviews with performers and audience members, cast performances of scenes, discussions of elements of the kind of theatre (no typo, that's how we spell the live stuff) we do. That, and I hope to include a good amount of personal posts and retrospectives on what it's like to be on tour.

Really, we're just here to play.

So come and play with us, wont you?"

Well, that was the case, at least.
I no longer work for the ASC, but i do still have the itchy fingers and pen of an amateur writer, and i like the idea of keeping this conversation going.
So i'm gonna.
I'll wax ridiculous about my life, my attempts to get work, and my over-mulled analysis of this world and city and business and, and, and...
You get the idea.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Back to basics.

Hey guys.  You don't mind if I just start doing this again and pretend I never stop, right?


In more ways than I realized, I have spent most of my life trying to find my voice.
When I was young(er), I was fascinated by dialect and colloquial usages of language, so I've been an aural sponge(dirty) since I saw my first Dead Parrot sketch.  Pile that compulsive mimicry on top of a scattershot approach to settling on a home town, I was never been rock solid on what my 'accent' is.  Californi-Balti-Pensly-Appalachian?

"Y'all, like, know where I can find a hoagie?"

It wasn't until I was put in the laboratory space of Actor School that I learned how to identify my own vocal habits isolated from my parrot sqwaking of anything I had heard in the past twenty minutes.  I'm pretty sure, after all that work, that I sound like me, which is nice.

So, then, when it comes to putting any of my distressingly scattered thinkspace to paper (or screen, you literalist) I feel as if I'm starting from a similarly singular square.
This has come to my attention in a rather drastic way for that I've been attacking the grad school application process with...middling results.
It would seem that these nationally accredited institutions of higher learning want to make sure i can string a series of thoughts together in a compelling way...BUT I'M AN ACTOR!  If the working world has taught me anything 'tis that i'm not invited to the party to be the thinky one.
which i have some reason to resent
but i have every reason to therefore expect to be the norm for my work.
Unless i want to be a teacher
which i do.

So, before i even get to meet these people they want me to cram my life, my work, my goals, and my 'special something' (dirty) into an essay that is 2500 words or LESS (which is almost offensive; even a boring life is deserving of more than 2500 words).
And i should really be working on that right now.

So thanks for enabling my procrastination, dear reader.

I've moved back to the Big Bad Apple after a hiatus of homesteading worth about 8 of your human months, and this time i'm doing it with a partner in crime.
I'd like to credit her presence with potentially keeping me out of trouble, but she was around for pretty much all of my last stay in the city, so i think she's just going to make it worse now that we're house hunting for a place to share.

Who here knows the best way to sum up most of a year's worth of life in a single blog post without overshooting a 2500 word count?
Sonnet you say?
Sonnet it is.

When Fuzzy left at first 'twas Texas bound,
Leaving behind a job of crystal shit.
Treading the boards with actors from all 'round
Aiming at dreams I feared I'd never hit.
Success in Kilgore ringing in my ears,
I wound up back in Mountain State hometown(s)
Teaching craft through blood, some sweat, some tears
And beaming pride at my Brides in paper gowns.
A Christmas Tour is how I braved the cold,
Building family from friends both young and Brent.
With Merry Cheer well travelled and well sold,
My holidays are rarely better spent.
I rest my heart in homes apart but near,
And make one now with she I hold so dear.

Let that be where we leave off for now, I'll be back i think.